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What does MC stand for?

MC stands for Motorcycle Club. All members of HAMC ride motorcycles


What does Support 81 mean?

81 is a metonym, standing for the 8th letter of the alphabet which is 'H' and the 1st letter of the alphabet which is 'A'. HA stands for Hells Angels.



Colours are another metonym. Colours or Patch stand for the motorcycle club's insignia. On the top of the back of the vest is HELLS ANGELS, and the bottom is the Countries / States / Charters location. These are called rockers. In the centre is the logo called the Death Head, and the small square with MC stands for Motorcycle Club. The Hells Angels, as well as most motorcycle clubs, have copyrights on their name and logo.


How do I join the club?

If you have to ask, you probably will not understand the answer. Hells Angels are true motorcycle enthusiasts and our motorcycle is our primary means of transportation. On average, a club member will ride 20,000 kilometres and more a year. Each Charter varies in their requirements, but if you are really interested you should talk to a member in your area. If you have to ask where the nearest Charter is, you are not ready to join our Motorcycle Club.


Can my friends and I start a Hells Angels Charter?

Again, if you have to ask, you probably will not understand the answer. Motorcycle Clubs consist of people who have ridden together for years, live in the same area, are known by the community, have runs and parties and are a brotherhood. It is a Motorcycle Club as opposed to an association. Not to say associations are better or worse, just different; they don't ride 20,000+ a  year together, or know each other as well as you know your family, which is what a Motorcycle Club is about. If you are already in a motorcycle club then you know how to start a Hells Angels Charter in your area, and if you're not then that's probably why you asked in the first place...


How do I support Hells Angels?

If you want to buy support gear, go to one of our support shops; check out the links on this site or the Internet in general for original 81 support shops. Do not support imposters.


Can anybody buy merchandise?

Some people think that you have to own a Harley to wear or display club support merchandise, but it's not true. Your purchases show that you support the club's philosophy of being free, and it also helps the local charter put on runs and events that motorcycle riders of all makes of motorcycles, and even those who don't own a bike, enjoy.


When do Hells Angels retire?

In England we have retired members but the only thing that changes is they don't get out and about as much as before, so they never really retire. 


'Do you know my uncle... I think he is a HA?

We do not answer questions about members. Unless you know for sure, that sounds like bullshit. Quite a few people tell that story and they are usually wrong.


Missing apostrophe in Hells Angels?

Yes, we know that there is an apostrophe missing but it is you who miss it. We don't.




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